An umbrella insurance policy allows you to have more insurance coverage without paying more than you need to. It's a cost-effective way to boost your other insurance policies when it comes to liability. If you want to know more about Arizona umbrella insurance, call us at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ.
The major insurance types that most people have are auto and home insurance. With both of these policies, there is liability insurance included. However, it's often true that the liability coverage is far too small for today's lawsuits and settlements. If you have more, you don't have to worry about an accident costing you an enormous amount out of pocket. Umbrella insurance adds to the liability coverage of both your home and auto policies, and it does it for a lot less than you would pay for boosting the liability coverage of both of those policies. Instead, the umbrella coverage covers them both, giving you a far higher maximum amount of coverage for both.
One of the things liability insurance pays for is medical bills for certain accidents. When you have umbrella coverage in place, you no longer have to worry about covering a big accident out of pocket when medical bills are due. If you are found to be at fault for an accident, the umbrella policy pays after your home or auto policy has already maxed out. This is a great way to get better peace of mind and to give yourself some protection for the future.
If you are interested in getting an umbrella insurance policy for your home and auto insurance, call us at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ. You can make an appointment with an agent to talk to you about umbrella coverage in Arizona.