Did you know that your landlord's insurance policy won't cover your property if they're damaged or stolen? That's why you should purchase a renter’s insurance policy that helps you recover after an adverse event such as a burglary or fire has deprived you of your property. At Precision Insurance Team, an insurance agency in Mesa, AZ, we're here to talk to you about the benefits of a renter’s insurance policy and the kind of coverage it provides. Following is a look at the kind of coverage you can expect from renter’s insurance in Arizona.
Arizona has no laws that make it mandatory for a renter to carry a renters insurance policy. However, landlords can require their tenants to obtain a policy as part of their leasing agreement. Even though the act of getting renters insurance is voluntary when not required by a landlord, it's still a good idea to get a policy to protect your belongings.
A landlord usually carries building insurance, but the insurance only covers the structure and related features. It will not cover a tenant if their belongings are damaged, or the tenant does something to damage the interior of the apartment or damage another unit. Renters insurance provides coverage for these kinds of incidents and covers injuries sustained by guests in your apartment, building damage, and even reimbursing you for the cost of lodging if your apartment is uninhabitable after an adverse event.
Get in touch with us at Precision Insurance Team, an insurance agency in Mesa, AZ to find out how renter’s insurance works. Our insurance agents are here to help you understand this type of insurance and find you a policy that provides the right amount of coverage for your belongings.