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Understanding Renters Insurance in Arizona: Is it Mandatory?

According to Forbes, 52% of Americans lived in an apartment in 2024. With a majority of Americans being renters, the topic of renters insurance is increasingly relevant. If you choose to rent in Mesa, AZ, you may wonder if renters insurance is legally required. While it is not a legal requirement, that doesn’t mean you should avoid obtaining one.

Can Property Owners Require It?

Some property owners require tenants to acquire renters insurance. This helps them recoup losses and damages that occur during your occupancy. It’s crucial to read and ask questions about your lease with the property owner so you understand their expectations. It’s also important to ask questions and obtain coverage from the Precision Insurance Team.

Conversely, the landlord or property investment representative must convey their requirements for renters insurance in the lease. The property owner must provide a justifiable reason and a reasonable timeframe for tenants to obtain renters insurance. The reasons landlords could require renters insurance are:

  • The distance between rental units is close enough to cause damage to neighboring units (e.g., fires, water leaks, smoke, etc.)
  • The property location is in a high-risk natural disaster area (flooding, wildfires, etc.)
  • The property unit shares home amenities with another unit

Additional Interest

Sometimes, tenants would show proof of rental insurance to the property owner only to drop it the next day. Property owners may want to attach themselves to your insurance to confirm it remains valid for the duration of the lease. This is called additional interest. They will see any changes you make to your insurance, including canceling the policy. However, they do not have the authority to alter your insurance.

It’s still a good idea to visit Precision Insurance Team and secure renters insurance. It covers lost, stolen, or damaged belongings and injuries inside and outside the rental property. Without it, you are responsible for replacing your belongings and paying for injuries. Call or stop by our Mesa, AZ office to obtain renters insurance.

What to Specify When You Buy Renters Insurance

Sometimes, when a policyholder files a claim with the Precision Insurance Team, they discover that their purchased policy doesn’t cover the incident. We don’t like it when that happens because we care about each of our Mesa, AZ, clients. Today, we’ll explain how to ensure a policy covers everything a policy owner owns.

What Renters Insurance Does

A renters’ policy covers items belonging to the policy owner. Each policy typically includes a dollar amount of coverage for all belongings. In some policies, this could be as little as $1,000 of coverage. When your insurance agent suggests a policy, ask for its personal property maximum because $1,000 might seem like a lot until a peril damages everything in your rented home. Would $1,000 cover your clothing, furniture, computer, smartphone, stereo, and television? Probably not.

Increase the Personal Property Coverage

Please make a list of your big-ticket items and their cost. Include your clothing, especially your professional wardrobe, in this list. Add up their value. That figure equals the minimum coverage you need. Share the list with your insurance agent and ask them for suggestions to strengthen the policy.

Add Endorsements to the Policy

Some items only receive full coverage if you add an endorsement for them. Also called an add-on, this process provides coverage for a specific named item at its full value. Many people add an endorsement for their engagement ring. Other commonly endorsed items include musical instruments, photography equipment, and home gym equipment like a Bowflex.

Include Off-site Items

Do you rent a storage unit? The policies bundled with many storage units cover very little and only under stringent conditions. You can add your storage unit items to the renters’ policy that covers your apartment. Tell your agent about the unit and its contents, and ask to include it. This way, one renter policy covers all items.

Contact Precision Insurance Team Today

Don’t let your precious personal belongings go uninsured. Contact Precision Insurance Team today to insure everything you own in your rented home in Mesa, AZ.

Three Lesser Known Features of Renters Insurance

There’s been an influx of people in Mesa, AZ, opting to rent rather than own a property. This makes having a renters insurance policy that covers your assets crucial. Our representatives at Precision Insurance Team can help you get the right coverage and explain more about these three perks many policyholders aren’t aware of.

1. Personal Property Coverage When Traveling

Renters insurance covers more than the dwelling. These policies include coverage for your personal property when you are traveling or moving. It protects items in your hotel room or vehicle, lost luggage, and other places along the journey. Be sure to check your policy for restrictions and limitations.

2. Fire Protection

Many renters don’t realize that their landlord’s fire insurance doesn’t cover losses of tenant’s personal property due to fires. Replacing your possessions can be costly, but renters insurance pays for losses related to fire, vandalism, and theft.

3. Liability Protection

Renters with guests and visitors have a certain level of responsibility to ensure their safety while they’re on the property or in the dwelling. You can be held financially liable to cover their medical expenses if someone gets injured. Renters insurance provides liability protection to cover some or all of these costs, including legal fees.

Let Us Get You Covered As a Renter

Having premium renters insurance coverage has an array of benefits, including protecting your property and guests against many common incidents. If you are transitioning from owning a home to renting one or are becoming a first-time renter, the Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ, is here to guide you through the process. Contact us by phone or online to get any questions answered, and let us give you a quote for renters insurance today.

Optional Insurance Products for Renters

If you are renting space in the near future, consider some optional insurance products that will protect your interests. Once you have reviewed coverage types, contact an agent representing the Precision Insurance Team for further guidance.

Renters’ Insurance

Renters’ insurance is the same as tenants’ insurance. It provides coverage similar to that of a home insurance policy, protecting personal belongings.

However, it does not provide protection for the dwelling. The property owner is responsible for obtaining insurance protection for the dwelling.

Water Backup Coverage

Water backup coverage provides protection from water-related damage. If the plumbing in a rental backs up, the coverage will pay for cleaning, repairing, and replacing any affected possessions.

Replacement Cost Coverage

Replacement cost coverage pays for the cost of replacing a stolen or damaged item, providing coverage equal to its true value. 

Identity Theft Coverage

Identity theft coverage pays for damages incurred when someone assumes one’s identity. This type of coverage could provide great financial relief to a person whose identity has been compromised while they were an active tenant.

Pet Liability Coverage

Pet liability coverage will pay for damages that a pet is responsible for. These damages must occur while a tenant is actively renting their living space.

Contact Precision Insurance Team

The types of coverage that you just reviewed are just some of the optional insurance products you can purchase. Before you move into your new rental, please consult with one of our agents representing Mesa, AZ. The agent will outline all of the optional insurance products that may benefit you while renting.

Three Reasons to Get Renters Insurance For Your First Apartment

Are you moving into your first apartment? If so, you’re probably finding that there’s a lot to think about. From getting the right window treatments to finding a moving company, there is a lot of planning that goes into moving.

One of the things you should think about is whether to get renters insurance. While it’s likely not a requirement where you’ll be living, there are many reasons to get renters insurance. The team at Precision Insurance Team serving Mesa, AZ can help you decide whether this policy is right for you. 

3 Reasons to Get Renters Insurance For Your First Apartment

1. Renters insurance can be surprisingly affordable.

Renters insurance is a surprisingly affordable type of insurance that has a relatively low monthly rate. You can find out more about how much renters insurance will cost you by contacting a reputable insurance company. At Precision Insurance Team, we’ll shop around for a policy that meets your needs and fits in your budget. Call today to find out more about how much renters insurance will cost. 

2. Renters insurance offers peace of mind.

Renters insurance offers you peace of mind knowing that your belongings are covered under your renters insurance policy if a covered event occurs. It’s important to feel peace and comfort, and for many people, renters insurance can help with this. 

3. Renters insurance can help you recover after a covered event.

Recovery from a covered event is often financially easier when you have renters insurance. If a fire or a burglary occurs, your insurance company may help with the recovery, making the entire process less expensive and often less stressful for you.

Do you want renters insurance?

Contact Precision Insurance Team serving Mesa, AZ to learn more about how this type of insurance can benefit you in your new apartment. 

What kinds of events does my renters insurance protect me from?

If you are renting a place to live in or around Mesa, AZ, your belongings need protection. The Precision Insurance Team is here to assist with everything related to rental insurance. Your landlord’s property insurance only covers the building, and you need protection for what you keep in your rental, including 

  • furniture,
  • carpeting, curtains, and other decorations,
  • clothing,
  • any small or large appliances you own,
  • electronics, such as TVs and laptops, 
  • and any other personal items of value. 

Precision Insurance Team can help you find a reasonable policy to protect you against certain events. Because your insurance policy is a contract, you need to read your policy and understand what kinds of events are covered.

What Kinds Of Events Are Normally Covered By Renters Insurance?

Some kinds of protection are standard. You are protected in case of certain kinds of accidents, such as fires. Some natural disasters are covered, such as damage from thunderstorms or windstorms. You may need extra protection for other kinds of natural disasters, such as flooding. 

Renters insurance also protects you in the event of certain kinds of crimes, such as vandalism or theft. You will lose this protection if you are found to be involved in the crime that caused the loss. There is also some liability protection so that if someone is injured while visiting you, your insurance will pay for the injuries up to your policy limit.

Learn About Your Exclusions

If you believe that you may be vulnerable to something that is not covered in your policy, speak to your agent to see if you can add coverage. Also, make sure that you have sufficient protection if you have expensive items. If you have questions about Mesa, AZ renters insurance, please feel free to call the Precision Insurance Team today. 

Top Reasons to Obtain Renter’s Insurance

You don’t have to own a home to get insurance coverage. As a Mesa, AZ renter, you can protect your valuables and financial assets from liability mishaps with renter’s insurance. Like most people, you’ve probably worked hard to purchase nice clothes, electronics, furniture, and other personal belongings. It only makes sense to protect these assets from the unexpected. With renter’s insurance from Precision Insurance Team, you can do just that.

Top Reasons to Purchase Renter’s Coverage

If you’re renting a home, condo, or apartment, here are some good reasons to consider renter’s insurance coverage:

1. Your goods are not covered by your landlord’s policy. 

Your landlord’s insurance protects his home structure, not your belongings. In the event of a disaster, your landlord’s dwelling insurance will cover the home’s repair costs, and you’ll be responsible for your own losses.  

2. Renter’s property insurance protects your belongings.

Renter’s property coverage will reimburse you for items that are stolen, damaged or lost in a disaster like fire, tornado, hurricane, etc. (with the exception of flooding) to save you from financial loss.  

3. Renter’s liability coverage will protect you from liability mishaps occurring on your rental property.

If a visitor is accidentally injured on your property, liability coverage helps pay for his or her medical costs. Liability insurance also covers accidental damage to a visitor’s personal property. If someone sues you for damages, liability insurance will help cover your legal costs.

4. Renter’s insurance offers additional living expenses coverage.

If your rental home gets damaged in a storm and you have to move out until repairs are made, additional living expense coverage will reimburse you for extra expenses you may incur living in another location during that time.

5. Affordability

Renter’s insurance is extremely affordable and can fit most any budget. Consult with us and see what best fits your needs. 

We Are Here To Help!

To purchase a renter’s policy in Mesa, AZ or surrounding areas, contact Precision Insurance Team today! 

Does Renters Insurance Cover a Roommate’s Belongings?

Insurance is a tool designed to protect against risks and losses. Renters should purchase a renter’s insurance policy to help protect them from several risks ranging from liability or unexpected events that can cause them losses or displacement from their homes. If you are looking for quality renter’s insurance, the professionals at Precision Insurance Team are proud to provide the residents of Mesa, AZ with exceptional coverage options.

Renter’s Insurance Protection 

Renter’s insurance protects against renter liability or other losses associated with events occurring in and around the dwelling. This insurance can also help with lodging while repairs are underway. If you would like to explore your renter’s insurance options, we can help. 

We can review your current situation and need help to provide insight into which policies would work best for your needs. We also assist with document submissions and claims. Our goal is to provide complete assistance to our customers to make acquiring insurance as easy and straightforward as possible. Let us assist you with choosing the right policy to give you peace of mind knowing you’re protected. 

Reach Out Today

Renter’s insurance is essential for anyone renting a property, whether an apartment or a separate dwelling. If you want to learn more about renter’s insurance and how it can protect you from covered events, contact Precision Insurance Team serving the residents of Mesa, AZ. 

Reach out to us today by calling or stopping by our office to speak to a knowledgeable insurance professional. We are dedicated to serving our customers and helping them get the protection that top-quality renter’s insurance and other products can provide. 

How Renters Insurance Could Prepare you for Home Damage

When a home you rented becomes damaged, you need to have adequate renters insurance.  This type of insurance gives you financial protection when your home suffers damage or gets burglarized.  While it’s not mandated to obtain renters insurance in Arizona, some landlords or apartment buildings may require their tenants to obtain a policy. 

Our team at Precision Insurance Team serving Mesa, AZ could work with you in finding a plan to prepare your home for future damage.

Renters Insurance Reimburses in Two Ways

When considering renters insurance, expect to be reimbursed in two ways.  You could get reimbursed through actual cash value, which pays what the property was worth at the time of damage.  Replacement cost is another way it reimburses.  This pays the cost of replacing your damaged items with new ones.  Renters insurance does have personal possessions as one of their three basic coverage options.

What Personal Possession Coverage Offers?

The personal possessions coverage not only covers any damage to your personal items but any damage caused by hazards and other events named in the policy.  Also known as Named Perils Insurance Policy, this coverage includes hazards such as fire, theft, vandalism, plumbing and electrical malfunctions, certain weather-related damage, and other named hazards.  Damage caused by floods and earthquakes is not covered.

Landlord’s Building Insurance doesn’t cover Home Damage

While most landlords do have building insurance for their apartments or other rental homes, this insurance doesn’t cover your home damage.  It only covers the structure and related features.  Renters insurance protects you against interior damage and damage to your belongings.  It also helps cover you when you incur damage to others.

Contact our Team Today

If you want to be safe than sorry in financially protecting you when your home has been damaged, don’t delay.  Contact our team at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ for an appointment today.  

Important exclusions that may be in your renters’ insurance policy

As a renter in the Mesa, AZ area, it is critical to carry renters’ insurance. However, it is equally important to understand what coverage your insurer may exclude from the policy. The experts at the Precision Insurance Team have put together the top coverage exclusions. 

Renters’ Insurance Exclusions

Dog bites 

If you have a dog, it is vitally important to make sure you have coverage under your renters’ policy. Many insurers opt to exclude the coverage altogether, while other insurers will have restrictions on breeds and weight. A dog bite lawsuit can be one of the most expensive as the medical bills quickly add up. 


So many renters assume that because the policy offers coverage for water damage, that flooding would be covered. However, damage caused by a flood is not covered under water damage coverage. Water damage coverage would offer you protection if you have a burst pipe or a leak from an appliance. If you live in a Mesa, AZ area that is prone to flooding, it is critical that you purchase flood insurance. 

Luxury items 

Most renters’ policies limit the amount that they will reimburse you for losses to luxury items. Luxury items can include fine art, jewelry, and even electronics. If you have a significant amount of luxury items, you will want to work with your agent at the Precision Insurance Team to make sure you have enough coverage for your luxury items. It is good to submit an itemized list with values to the insurance company. 

Give Us A Call

If you live in the Mesa, AZ  area and want to learn more about renters insurance, reach out to the Precision Insurance Team today. 

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