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Precision Insurance Team Blog

Renter’s insurance in Mesa AZ just makes sense these days

Renters should be just as concerned as homeowners about protecting their property from any potential damage or theft that could occur while they are staying there. Mesa, AZ residents are starting to take a closer look at this as they look for ways to bring a sense of calm in an uncertain world. 

The Precision Insurance Team not only offers renter’s insurance, but it is one of the types that they specialize in. They realized some time back that Arizona residents and many others were highly interested in finding ways to protect the assets that they do have in the midst of issues with rising property crime and more extreme weather. Mesa, AZ is an area that has seen an influx of new residents moving in, and that can often contribute to escalating problems with crime and other displacement issues. Therefore, the only way that renters can rest assured that they will be okay in their place is to own a renter’s insurance policy. 

The policies are highly affordable as they generally just cover liability for items stolen from within the property as well as certain types of damage. It is expected for the most part that the property owner will take care of covering most of the possibilities of physical damage with policies of their own. Thus, the renter is off the hook so to speak with how much they legitimately need to cover via their renter’s insurance policy. It is mostly just about making sure they protect the things that they personally own that are inside of that property. 

If you are in Mesa, AZ and would like a little more peace of mind to go with the property that you rent, then now is the time to look to the Precision Insurance Team to help you out with that. 

Why Every Homeowner Needs Home Insurance

If you own a home, you most likely are required to have home insurance by your lender. However, even if this policy is not required of you, you still need to have one in place and keep it up for as long as you own the home. To get started, give us a call at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ. 

Protecting Your Home

When you have a home insurance policy, it protects you in case your home is damaged or destroyed. The policy has a long list of covered accidents and disasters that can and do damage homes. If your incident is one of the covered ones, you can have the repairs or rebuild paid for by the policy. Without home insurance, you would have to come up with all of the money for the repairs, and this could send you deep into debt. 

Covering Your Possessions

Also included in your home policy is coverage for all of your belongings that are inside your home. A serious incident that causes a lot of damage to the home may also cause a lot of damage to your things. It can be exceptionally expensive to get everything replaced after it’s ruined. But, with home insurance, the cost of replacing everything comes from the policy and not from your pocket. 

Accident Liability

Yet another portion of your home insurance is devoted to liability coverage. If someone came into your home and then was injured there, you may be liable for expenses such as their medical bills and lost wages. Your liability coverage takes care of these costs so that you aren’t likely to be sued. 

Cover Your Home

If you don’t yet have a home insurance policy, it’s time to remedy that problem. Call us at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ.

Required Auto Insurance in Arizona

Every driver in Arizona is required to have insurance for their vehicle. The insurance policy that they choose must meet a number of required minimums under state law. However, there are other types of coverage that can be added as options. If you need auto insurance, call us today at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ.

Liability Coverage

The state requires your policy to have three different minimum coverage amounts that pertain to liability. The first is an amount for one person who becomes injured in an accident. The second is a set minimum amount of coverage for everyone who is injured in an accident. The third is a minimum amount for property damage liability. Though there are specific minimums for all of these coverage types, you can add more coverage to each when you get your policy. 

Uninsured Motorist

If you were to have an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance, and the accident is their fault, it can be extremely difficult to get the medical bills paid. That’s why the state makes it mandatory to carry insurance coverage for an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. This protects you against someone else breaking the law and not having the proper auto insurance. 

Other Coverage

There are no other types of insurance that you are required to have by state law, but there are several types that can certainly be helpful. Many people add collision coverage to their policy so that their own property damage can be paid for in the event of an accident. There is also comprehensive coverage, which covers you against a wide range of situations. 

Cover Your Vehicle

To keep your vehicle insured, give us a call at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ to find out more about these helpful and mandatory policies. 

Electrical Fires and Home Insurance: What You Need to Know

Fire is a severe problem that impacts many hot-weather areas, particularly in cities like Mesa, AZ. If you’re worried about this issue and aren’t sure if your homeowner’s insurance will help, we at Precision Insurance Team can help you understand your options to minimize your financial loss.

Understanding Electrical Fires and Your Home Insurance 

Electrical fires can occur at just about any time in a home and can be devastating if they’re allowed to spread uncontrolled. There are many causes for this problem, including poor wiring, complications with various appliances, and other concerns that may be unexpected. 

It is reported that around 46,000 home fires occur every year in homes, with approximately 13% of them being electrical. Thankfully, home insurance policies will help to cover this type of damage in a relatively broad and comprehensive manner. Most home insurance policies cover fires better than floods and other damage. 

Thankfully, you can also expand your coverage to include other elements that your home insurance policy may not pay to replace. For instance, you may be able to find liability coverage if anybody is injured in your home due to the fire and needs medical treatment to recover.

The type of protection that they offer includes things like replacing damaged structural elements, providing you with new appliances, and even replacing your home entirely if it burns down. Some policies even help pay for temporary abode payments if you need to move into a hotel or apartment. 

Finding a Policy That Works for You 

As you can see, high-quality home insurance policies can provide long-term protection from fire-related problems. So please contact us at Precision Insurance Team if your Mesa, AZ home needs a better approach that will provide the long-term coverage benefits that work for their needs.

Tips for Selecting Renters Insurance

Numerous renters within Mesa, AZ have realized that protecting their belongings means getting renters insurance instead of relying on their landlord’s policy. Due to this, you will be required to understand various attributes of renters insurance, from what it covers to the terms that each requires. Before settling for your cover, Precision Insurance Team details some tips to use when getting a renters policy.

Understand the Different Insurance Policies

Renters insurance comprises various policies, with some being content coverage and additional living expenses coverage. While the first option ensures that your personal belongings are protected when covered perils arise, the latter provides compensation when your home is deemed uninhabitable. With these differences in mind, make it a point to understand what each entails before signing up for any policy.

Be on the Lookout for Exclusions

Renters insurance will often have exclusions, meaning various types of emergencies will not be covered. If, for instance, you experience damage from flooding or earthquakes, you will likely need separate cover for these events. In addition to this, various personal possessions may also not be covered, with an example of this being expensive items like art and jewelry. To avoid any inconveniences, ask for the different exclusions that your renter’s policy comes with.

Ask For Discounts Where Possible

Discounts may be the last thing on your mind when getting renters insurance but they will come in handy when you need to get various policies at a go. Depending on your preferred choices, you can bundle your renter’s policy with other covers such as auto insurance. In addition to this, numerous policies may also come with discounts due to additional home security measures. Be on the lookout for such offers to ensure you get suitable coverage for the long term.

If you need renters insurance within Mesa, AZ, call Precision Insurance Team today. Our agents will guide you through different policies for your renting needs.

Is basic auto insurance in Arizona enough coverage?

Arizona is the 11th safest state in the United States to be a driver. Arizona is one of the fastest-growing states, and more drivers mean more collisions. Having a good auto insurance policy can take the sting out of having an accident. At Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ, we strive to help our clients improve their coverage while lowering their liability risk. We are locally operated, which helps us to know our clients better. 

In Arizona, basic auto insurance means liability coverage of 25/50/15. You must have coverage of $25,000 per person for injuries from an accident, with a total for the entire accident of $50,000. $15,000 is required for property damage. In Arizona, this extends as far as golf carts, mopeds, and motorcycles. If you don’t keep up your insurance, your motor vehicle registration and license could be suspended. If you have limited assets, this coverage might be adequate to protect you, but if you own a home or have savings, they could be in danger if you have basic auto insurance. 

The state says that you have to have insurance to protect other drivers from you, but what about your vehicle? If you have an accident where you are at fault, chances are your vehicle will be damaged as well. Most people count on their vehicles to do everyday activities like going to work, shopping, and running errands. Repairing your vehicle after an accident will fall to you if you have no collision insurance. That could be thousands of dollars. 

What if your car is stolen or vandalized? Basic insurance won’t help. For that, you need to have comprehensive coverage. Basic insurance would leave you high and dry. 

If you have questions about auto coverage in Arizona, contact Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ.

Why You Need to Take Out Home Insurance in Arizona

As a proud homeowner, it is important to make sure that your cherished asset is protected, and one way you can do this is by acquiring home insurance. That’s where the Precision Insurance Team comes in. For homeowners in Mesa, AZ, we have coverage that will enable you to live your best life, stress-free despite everything, and secure in the knowledge that we have you covered.

Why You Need Home Insurance

It is important to be prepared for the worst despite praying for the best, and since an individual can only do so much to keep their property safe, home insurance is a necessity. The following are some scenarios that show you why you need to take out a policy for your home:

  • If a guest is accidentally injured at your house, guest medical protection under your home insurance pays for their treatment.
  • If thieves break in and make away with your valuables, the personal property coverage helps to pay for the loss in part or whole.
  • If a shed, fence, or other property detached from your home is damaged in a situation covered by your home insurance, the other structure’s coverage caters to the replacement cost.
  • In case of an incident like a fire or other damage that comes to your home, making you unable to live in it, additional living expenses coverage makes sure to cover temporary living costs such as hotel accommodation expenses.
  • If someone visiting you encounters accidental injury, or their property is damaged in your house, the personal liability coverage pays for the related repair and medical costs, as well as any legal fees.
  • Finally, if your home itself is damaged by something covered, like hail, the dwelling coverage will help you cover the repair costs.

Get Good Home Insurance

For the sake of your peace of mind and the financial implications, it is important to get home insurance, and when you visit the Precision Insurance Team’s website, you will see plenty of other resources. Homeowners around Mesa, AZ are welcome to see what we can offer, and we will help you get robust coverage for your home. Try our online rating tool for a quote.

Renters Insurance FAQs

Mesa, AZ is a Phoenix suburb and has been named one of the top places to live. It is 5% less expensive than the average city in the U.S. About 40% of residents rent the dwelling they live in. You may wonder why you should have renters insurance if you don’t own the building you live in. At Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ, our experienced team provides world-class service and many carriers to choose from. 

Does my landlord have insurance on my unit? 

Yes, your landlord is likely to have insurance on your unit, but not on you or your possessions. That leaves you out in the cold if there is a fire, theft, or other covered peril affecting your unit. 

Does rental insurance protect my computer if it’s in my car? 

Yes, your renter’s insurance does cover your possessions even if you are traveling with them away from home. But it won’t cover any damage done to your vehicle to gain entry. Never leave valuables visible to thieves in your vehicle. 

What protection does renters insurance provide?

Renters insurance offers several valuable protections:

  • Personal property – you have two options with this coverage, replacement cost or actual value. It will provide reimbursement for items you lose, like clothes, furniture, and electronics. Some categories have a cap on the amount paid to you. 
  • Liability coverage – protects you and your family member against legal action and medical bills if someone is injured while visiting your rental. It also protects against injury from a family member away from home. 
  • Loss of use – helps pay for a place to stay when your unit is not habitable. 

Why do I need liability insurance as a renter? 

If you have any assets, you are in danger of being sued and forced to pay medical bills and legal expenses. 

Contact Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ with all your renter’s insurance needs. 

What comes with a Mesa auto insurance policy?

The Mesa, AZ area is a popular place to visit and live. Those who would like to live here should make sure that they can get around town. A great way to do this is by getting auto insurance. If you do purchase an auto insurance plan, it will include several forms of insurance coverage. 

Coverage to Protect Vehicle

One type of insurance you will get when you invest in an auto insurance plan in Arizona is coverage for your vehicle. If you buy a car, you will want it to last as long as possible. The best way that you can ensure this happens is by getting a full insurance plan. If you get a plan will collision and comprehensive coverage, it will protect virtually any scenario resulting in a loss. 

Coverage to Mitigate Liability Risk

People that want to drive a car should know that there will always be a risk that they could be found at fault in an accident. If this does happen, you will be responsible for all correlated damages. A great way to offset this risk is by getting an auto insurance plan that will include liability coverage. This will ensure you are protected if there is damage in an accident, and you are responsible for covering it. 

Choosing an auto insurance plan in the Mesa, AZ area is a big decision. If you are going to invest in a new policy here, you should call the Precision Insurance Team. Anyone that speaks with the Precision Insurance Team will find that their expert guidance can help you pick a great policy. This will ensure you remain properly covered with protection that is ideal for both you and your vehicle. 

How to choose the right home insurance

Choosing your home insurance is one of the most important decisions homeowners make. Unfortunately, many people decide based on their wallet, and while the price is always a consideration, having an insurance carrier who is responsive when you need them is also important. The Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ is an independent agency that offers its clients the help and advice they need to make educated choices when it comes to home insurance.

Get multiple quotes

The Insurance Information Institute recommends that you get at least three quotes before deciding on your home insurance. It isn’t all about the cost. However, it would be best to compare the figures on the declaration page to compare apples and oranges. 

Check the coverage

Home insurance policies offer various types of coverage, and the amount of each coverage affects the policy’s cost. You don’t want excessive coverage, but you also require adequate coverage. You need enough property coverage to rebuild your home if it is destroyed and enough liability coverage to protect your assets. You may even want to think about an umbrella policy. 

Deductibles and limits

Home policies have a deductible when you file a claim. Common ones are between $500 and $1000 but could be more. You must decide which one makes the most sense to you and if the savings from choosing the higher amount are worthwhile. Certain items will have limits on coverage, such as jewelry. Consider adding a rider to supplement any limit that is not adequate.  

In Mesa, AZ, the  Precision Insurance Team is here for you to share our experience with home insurance. Making the right choice is important, and we will happily help you find the right home insurance. We can do that in our office or on the phone. Let us give you a no-obligation quote. 

Servicing States

  • Arizona
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  • Utah

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  • Locally owned and operated
  • Works with multiple carriers
  • Combines policies for best rates
  • Customer friendly services
  • Print out your auto ID cards from home, anytime!

Partner Carriers

  • Foremost
  • Openly
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Travelers